About Us

Meet Your Farmers


About Jess


Since I was young, I have dreamed about being a farmer. There is something so noble to me about the profession because it is entirely based on hard work and hope. That being said it was a strange dream considering I grew up in the sprawling suburb of Mason, Ohio. People there were generally two or three generations removed from the farm and often just took for granted the affordable and safe food supply we have here in America.

One summer when working for my aunt and uncle on their hog farm a light went off for me. We would sit around the dinner table and enjoy each others company while having some sort of pork product they raised almost every night after a day of hard labor on the farm. This fresh food and slow way of life is what I wanted for my family someday. 

Spurred by a love for raising animals and the Warren County 4-H program I went off to THE Ohio State University to major in Agriculture. After four years and experiences like the meats judging team, milking at the university dairy barn, studying abroad in Ireland, and interning for The Ohio Cattlemen's Association I graduated with a degree in Animal Sciences. 

Since graduation, my day job has been a loan officer for a farmer owned cooperative called Farm Credit Mid-America. Furthermore, I have served as a trustee of Warren County Farm Bureau board for the past seven years so I can unify the agricultural voice for our county to speak on the local, state and national levels on their behalf.  I have a strong passion for conservation so also donate my time to the Cardinal Land Conservancy board which works to preserve greenspace and farms in southwest Ohio.

Most importantly, I am a mother to Rhett and Lane and we are literally living the dream on our farm. 

We are blessed to be able to our share our local, wholesome, and ethically raised meat with you.
