
Spaghetti with Sausage Meatballs

September 24, 2015  |  recipes
Spaghetti with Sausage Meatballs

Guilty as charged! Spaghetti is one of my fail-safe meals. I always feel like I'm taking the easy route when I make spaghetti so I try to spice it up a little and make it more interesting. This time, in addition to my ground beef spaghetti sauce, I baked some meatballs made with sage sausage to add to the sauce.

I took a pound of my sage sausage and rolled them into golf ball sized meatballs. This made about 10 meatballs of which I baked in a muffin pan to avoid the mess that sausage can make. I baked these for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. When they were done I set them aside until I was ready to add them to my beef spaghetti sauce. Of course, ground pork works equally as well for the spaghetti sauce.

When I began cooking my spaghetti sauce I added the sausage meatballs to the pan. Ladled over my fettuccine noodles and topped with Parmesan cheese this is the perfect weeknight or any night meal.